Volker Lankow & Bernhard Wöstheinrich – Creatures In Haunting Cities

“Creatures In Haunting Cities” is a very personal take by Volker Lankow on the release & graphic short story “Undesirable Creatures”
For the Live Stream performance that was set for the release of this project the music were broken down into individual tracks and elements so that Volker could play around re-arrange and re-mix the whole music in his very personal ambient style.

“Undesirable Creatures”, the initial release to “Creatures In Haunting Cities”, is a graphic short story of a magician stranded in a post-war Moscow, accompanied by a music soundtrack that embraces, enhances and underscores the eerie mood of the chapters much like a movie score.

Tracks 1 – 3: Volker Lankow: Soundscapes, Drones & Samples Fragements and indivudual tracks composed by Bernhard Wöstheinrich.
Track 4: Electronics by Volker Lankow and Bernhard Wöstheinrich

Artwork by Matt Howarth

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